Möbel und Fliesen
Individuelle Projekte

Anwendung / Ausführungen

Glass is often found in infills for balcony balustrades in many developer and office projects, as...
Glass roofs, canopy roofs, and skylights are a perfect fit for both the contemporary and classic...
In recent years, there have been more and more buildings with internal and external panoramic...
Glass facades, “second skin”, lamellas – examples of modern glass façade...
A glass floor is a unique solution – for bold and imaginative users. A glass floor may rest...
A beautiful stair with glass treads is a combination of the designer’s original imagination...
Our glass is used in preparing laminates for joined structures used in winter garden projects.

Aktuelle Nachrichten

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, unseren Stand auf der internationalen ISH Messe in Frankfurt, die in...
Schon in 18 Ländern der Welt können Spiegel gekauft werden, die von  Dubiel Vitrum hergestellt...
Die Fa. Dubiel Vitrum wurde erneut  zum besten Spiegelhersteller in Polen erklärt.   Ihr wurde der...
Polityka prywatności